Duprass, Group Exhibtion @ Galerie Pro Arte


Inga Liksaite & Caudia Rohrmoser,
Shirin Winiger & Michael Hackl,
Rainer Kohlberger & Herr Schobel,
Leonhard Lass & Gregor Ladenhauf (Depart)

curated by Herr Schobel

Opening: 16.09.2010, 19.30h,
Kunstraum pro arte
Schöndorferplatz 5, A-5400 Hallein

“A karas is a group of people you are linked to by fate throughout your life. This doesn’t include fake karases like Bayern Munich fans or Facebook friends, but people who repeatedly show up in your life for no apparent reason. A Dupras is the smallest form of a karas consisting of only two people”
(nach Kurt Vonnegut / Cat´s cradle)

kunstraum pro arte